
Nominados Oscar 2013: ¡Descubre los mejores del cine!

Nominados a los Oscar 2013


La Academia de Hollywood anunció hoy en Los Ángeles los nominados a la 85 edición de los Premios Oscar.

La actriz Emma Stone y el cómico Seth MacFarlane, maestro de ceremonias de la próxima gala, que se realizará el 24 de febrero, fueron los encargados de desvelar los nombres de los candidatos desde el teatro Samuel Goldwyn.

Gánate con la lista completa!


Mejor película: "Amour", `"Argo", `"Beasts of the Southern Wild", `"Django Unchained", `"Los miserables", `"Life of Pi", `"Lincoln", `"Silver Linings Playbook", `"Zero Dark Thirty".

Actor: Bradley Cooper, "Silver Linings Playbook"; Daniel Day-Lewis, "Lincoln"; Hugh Jackman, "Los miserables"; Joaquin Phoenix, "The Master"; Denzel Washington, "Flight".

Actriz: Jessica Chastain, "Zero Dark Thirty"; Jennifer Lawrence, "Silver Linings Playbook"; Emmanuelle Riva, "Amour"; Quvenzhane Wallis, "Beasts of the Southern Wild"; Naomi Watts, "The Impossible".

Actor de reparto: Alan Arkin, "Argo"; Robert De Niro, "Silver Linings Playbook"; Philip Seymour Hoffman, "The Master"; Tommy Lee Jones, "Lincoln"; Christoph Waltz, "Django Unchained".

Actriz de reparto: Amy Adams, "The Master"; Sally Field, "Lincoln"; Anne Hathaway, "Los miserables"; Helen Hunt, "The Sessions"; Jacki Weaver, "Silver Linings Playbook".

Dirección: Michael Haneke, "Amour"; Benh Zeitlin, "Beasts of the Southern Wild"; Ang Lee, "Life of Pi"; Steven Spielberg, "Lincoln"; David O. Russell, "Silver Linings Playbook".

Película de lengua extranjera: "Amour," Austria; "Kon-Tiki", Noruega; "No", Chile; "En kongelig affære" ("Un asunto real"), Dinamarca; "Rebelle" ("War Witch"), Canadá.

Guión adaptado: Chris Terrio, "Argo"; Lucy Alibar y Benh Zeitlin, "Beasts of the Southern Wild"; David Magee, "Life of Pi"; Tony Kushner, "Lincoln"; David O. Russell, "Silver Linings Playbook".

Guión original: Michael Haneke, "Amour"; Quentin Tarantino, "Django Unchained"; John Gatins, "Flight"; Wes Anderson and Roman Coppola, "Moonrise Kingdom"; Mark Boal, "Zero Dark Thirty".

Largometraje animado: "Brave", "Frankenweenie", "ParaNorman", "The Pirates! Band of Misfits", "Wreck-It Ralph".

Diseño de producción: "Anna Karenina", `"The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey", `"Los miserables", `"Life of Pi", `"Lincoln".

Cinematografía: "Anna Karenina", `"Django Unchained", `"Life of Pi", `"Lincoln", `"Skyfall".

Mezcla de sonido: "Argo", `"Los miserables", `"Life of Pi", `"Lincoln", `"Skyfall".

Edición de sonido: "Argo", `"Django Unchained", `"Life of Pi", `"Skyfall", `"Zero Dark Thirty".

Música original: "Anna Karenina", Dario Marianelli; "Argo", Alexandre Desplat; "Life of Pi", Mychael Danna; "Lincoln", John Williams; "Skyfall", Thomas Newman.

Canción original: "Before My Time" de "Chasing Ice", J. Ralph; "Everybody Needs a Best Friend" de "Ted", Walter Murphy y Seth MacFarlane; "Pi"s Lullaby" de "Life of Pi", Mychael Danna y Bombay Jayashri; "Skyfall" de "Skyfall", Adele Adkins y Paul Epworth; "Suddenly" de "Los miserables", Claude-Michel Schonberg, Herbert Kretzmer y Alain Boublil.

Vestuario: "Anna Karenina", `"Los miserables", `"Lincoln", `"Mirror Mirror", `"Snow White and the Huntsman".

Largometraje documental: "5 Broken Cameras", `"The Gatekeepers", `"How to Survive a Plague", `"The Invisible War", `"Searching for Sugar Man".

Cortometraje documental: "Inocente", `"Kings Point", `"Mondays at Racine", `"Open Heart", `"Redemption".

Edición: "Argo", `"Life of Pi", `"Lincoln", `"Silver Linings Playbook", `"Zero Dark Thirty".

Maquillaje y peinado: "Hitchcock", `"The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey", `"Los miserables".

Cortometraje animado: "Adam and Dog", `"Fresh Guacamole", `"Head over Heels", `"Maggie Simpson in `The Longest Daycare"", "Paperman".

Cortometraje: "Asad", `"Buzkashi Boys", `"Curfew", `"Death of a Shadow (Dood van een Schaduw)", `"Henry".

Efectos visuales: "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey", `"Life of Pi", `"Marvel"s The Avengers", `"Prometheus", `"Snow White and the Huntsman".


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