
Instagram: Se burlaron de él por su peso y ahora es modelo

Michael Sullivan es un chico irlandés de 23 años y fue el típico "niño gordito" de su clase hasta tal punto de ser víctima de bullying, pero esto finalmente se convirtió en una gra motivación para un cambio del cual ya se puede ver resultados radicales en su cuenta de Instagram.

Michael Sullivan es un chico irlandés de 23 años y fue el típico “niño gordito” de su clase hasta tal punto de ser víctima de bullying, pero esto finalmente se convirtió en una gra motivación para un cambio del cual ya se puede ver resultados radicales en su cuenta de Instagram.

Hace cuatro años, Sullivan pesaba 107 kilos pero hoy pesa 92 y gracias a su nueva y esbelta figura ha firmado como modelo, callando así a todos quienes años atrás lo humillaron y no tiene problema en presumir de ello en su cuenta de Instagram.

Consiguió bajar de peso gracias a que dejó la comida chatarra y el alcohol y optó por un régimen alimenticio más saludable acompañado de una rutina de ejercicios constante. 

Además de trabajar como imagen, Sullivan ha viajado a varios países como Australia y Estados Unidos, contando su historia y aconsejando que nunca es tarde para cambiar tu estilo de vida.

63DAYS, that's what I call a successful prep, I didn't f**k about I knew what I had to do and I got it done no if's or but's, I put my head down and got my sh*t done! It kills me these days when I see people spending more time thinking of excuses of why they shouldn't work out, than actually using that time to work out! Cut the crap I say if you want something bad enough don't let EMOTIONS control your life, remember your in control of your thoughts make them POSITIVE it's that simple! No quick fix diet pill or magic secret it's hard work and fuel your body with clean nutritious food! FOOD IS KEY✅ FEED YOUR METABOLISM ✅ STARVATION WILL GET YOU NO WHERE❌ #gymlife #gymgrind #gymprep #gymmotivation #abs #aesthetics #shredz #shredded #hardwork #determination #consistency #instafit #physiquetransformation #PositiveVibes #Progression #picturesspeakathousandwords #grindmode #fitnessmodel #fitnessaddict

Una foto publicada por Fat Boy Slim (@mike_fatboyslim) el

Me Back in My ELEMENT, the boy who's passion & love was to ABUSE ALCOHOL & EAT PURE JUNK FOOD, on the daily! Then I decided to swap alcohol for protein shakes & junk for nutritious food! Amazing never would I have believed it, The Mind is such beautiful & powerful object change your concept of thinking, followed by your lifestyle and look what you can achieve in 4 years ❤️ Remember a VISION without an ACTION is merely a DREAM 🙌 #nevergiveup #believeinyourself #ibeatobesity #changeyourlifestyle #changeisgood #gymlife #gymgrind #transformationweightloss #transformationmotivation #gymmotivation #willpower #determination #consistency #hardwork #CorkFitFam #instafit #chasethedream #PositiveVibes #positivityquotes #fitnessmodel #physiquetransformation #Fat2Fit #abs #aesthetics #aestheticarmy #lovinglife

Una foto publicada por Fat Boy Slim (@mike_fatboyslim) el

4 YEARS LATER👊 You can say what you want,,,,,,but I'm in control of my destiny 4years later into my transformation here I am and I'm still not finished! It not always brilliant days feeling in tip top shape even though you might look it, some days the last thing on my mind is training cause people don't understand it's as much mentally draining as it is physically, specially with constant meal prep tracking macro's and overall trying to balance a lifestyle that doesn't involve gym 24/7, so yes it's normal were only human our motivation will drop from time to time and we start to feel shitty and ask that meticulous question is really all worth it? However when this happens it deciphers a true warrior of an athlete compared to a flash in the pan basically a "wanna be" when this happens you have 2 choices throw in the towel like a pussy, or get your arse up and push harder than ever and refocus and grind harder than ever to get to where you want to be, yes it's a long journey nothing happens over night so when this happens sometimes I take a step back and look how far I have come in such a short period of time! All it takes is... Consistency ✅ Discipline ✅ Determination ✅ If you have all them then you my friend are going to make it! #gymmotivation #GymGrind #GymLife #Fat2Fit #physiquetransformation #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #fitnessmodel #fitnessaddict #transformationweightloss #ibeatobesity #obesetobeast #Shreddz #shredded #aesthetics #aestheticarmy #abs #willpower #nevergiveup #strongmentality #determination #success #beastmode #Progression #PositiveVibes #discipline #CorkFitFam #instafit

Una foto publicada por Fat Boy Slim (@mike_fatboyslim) el

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