
Instagram: Esta profesora de yoga te demostrará que el peso es lo de menos

El yoga es una disciplina que combina mente y cuerpo y la mayoría de veces se relaciona con personas de cuerpos estilizados. Sin embargo, Jessamyn Stanley se encarga de derribar este mito en su cuenta de instagram. La chica talla grande de 27 años es una profesora de yoga que demuestra con sus publicaciones que todos podemos llegar a sumarnos a esta práctica.

El yoga es una disciplina que combina mente y cuerpo y la mayoría de veces se relaciona con personas de cuerpos estilizados. Sin embargo, Jessamyn Stanley se encarga de derribar este mito en su cuenta de instagram.

La chica talla grande de 27 años es una profesora de yoga que demuestra con sus publicaciones que todos podemos llegar a sumarnos a esta práctica.

Desde 2011, Jessamyn comenzó su pasión por el yoga, a pesar de que su primera experiencia no había sido la mejor, ya que su tía la llevó a una clase de Bikram Yoga (yoga a altas temperaturas) y ella lo odió. En la universidad, lo volvió a intentar y se enamoró, hasta convertirse en profesora certificada.

Ella explica que los principales beneficios del yoga no están principalmente relacionados con la pérdida de peso, sino con el bienestar mental y físico que otorga.

Thanks to @unclerush, @tarastiles, and @nymag, I am feeling a lot of love from all points of the globe. I can't tell you how happy I am to see so many people engaging in dialogue about body issues in the #yoga community- this is the dialogue that leads to change.This is the dialogue that fosters a diverse and widespread yoga community, not pictures and inspirational quotes. I am grateful to be part of a community that began long before I ever stepped on a yoga mat. Warriors like @diannebondyyoga, @curvyyoga, & @amber_karnes have been stoking the flames of this conversation for so long and I'm happy to be one of many baby samurais in their kick ass body positive army. @Nymag, one of my favorite magazines, asked my thoughts about the instagram yoga community and the evolution of #fatyoga- click the link in my instagram header to read the article! Also, this photo is #tbt to being a curvy inverted statue with my love @nolatrees. PRO TIP- check out her website ( for a sneak peak of our upcoming teaching tour dates. Official dates and registration details are coming soon! Leggings- @lineagewear

Una foto publicada por Jessamyn (@mynameisjessamyn) el

Still chasing #pinchamayurasana. Today I busted out my @mandukayoga yoga block- the combo of that + my @mamakuka yoga strap added a little more hang time to my #forearmstand practice. Speaking of @mandukayoga, they make a lot of shit I really REALLY like. A few months ago, they sent me a care package of things they thought I might enjoy, and all of the items have actually made a difference in my practice.The Black Mat Pro (pictured above) is probably the best mat I've ever owned. BTW, to those who asked- yes, I do like it more than @lululemon's The Mat. Also, I carried their GO Roam 2.0 backpack every day of my #ytt- it's the fucking JAM, y'all. I carried my laptop, mat, and camera equipment (along w/ a bunch of other shit I don't need) with dreamy ease. And before anyone gets up in arms about it- NO, I'm not being paid, sponsored, or fed grapes by naked male servants for this review. I actually genuinely liked all this stuff. I've had #yoga friends trying to get me to use @mandukayoga products for years, and it's kinda nice to know that the rumors of life-changing awesomeness are actually true. (Life-changing awesomeness? Ugh, WHO AM I?? #firstworldproblems #whothefuckmakessuchstatementsaboutyogaequipment) Song is M.I.A. "XR2"

Un vídeo publicado por Jessamyn (@mynameisjessamyn) el

I don't know why I was so unprepared for the lack of cultural and physical diversity in my #yoga teacher training class, but I truly was surprised. With the exception of me and one other African-American woman, the class is entirely composed of white students. My confusion seems misplaced, especially considering that the absence of cultural and physical diversity is a mirror image of the white washed yoga world that's depicted by most yoga related companies (here's looking at you, @yogajournal & @lululemon.) I know there's a million reasons for this reality, but I can't help but feel that this is yet another reason why the yoga social media community is so crucial- because it's one of the few parts of the yoga world that is actually beginning to accurately represent our vast and diverse world of practitioners. We have a long way to go in terms of visibility- I mean, it's still kind of rare to see BROWN and YELLOW yoga bodies, let alone a range of body shapes. And I'm not just talking about fat bodies- what about short people, or men who aren't professional athletes? I mean, damn- what will it take for the corporate world to fully understand just how much money they are LOSING by pigeonholing their target market? Maybe I'm mistaken, but it seems like wealthy white women aren't the only people who want to spend money on mass produced yoga products. Wearing @fractal.9 shorts, @paramitadesigns top, & @toesox. Song is Twista ft. Kanye West "Overnight Celebrity"

Un vídeo publicado por Jessamyn (@mynameisjessamyn) el

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